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Here’s A Step-by-Step Guide to Transfer WhatsApp Messages to Telegram



If you are switching from WhatsApp to Telegram, then you might be thinking of transferring your important messages having valuable information. Now moving messages from WhatsApp to Telegram has become very easy. You are required to have the updated versions of both the apps to carry out this operation.

Follow these steps to transfer chats on Android:-

  1. Open a chat in WhatsApp and then go to the right corner of the screen and open menu by tapping on 3-vertical dots.
  2. Tap on the Export chat option from the list that appears.
  3. Now, in the sharing menu that opens select Telegram.
  4. You will get a prompt asking to restore chat with media or without media. Select your preferred option and your messages will be transferred seamlessly.

Follow these steps to transfer chats in iOS:-

  1. Open a WhatsApp chat and on tap on the right side of the contact’s profile picture.
  2. Tap Export chat button and in the share menu that opens, select Telegram.

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