BGMI was launched for Android users earlier this year. But iOS users were on hold and were waiting eagerly for its launch. Now the day has come, yes BGMI is now launched on Apple Store and iOS users can now download the game. As it is just launched, many people might be unaware of how to connect Apple ID to BGMI. So, in this article, we will discuss how to login to BGMI using Apple ID. This will be an easy step-by-step guide to follow. Moreover, we will discuss the process of how to recover old PUBG account on iOS. So without any further ado, let’s head into the article for using Apple ID on BGMI to login.
BGMI for iOS Launched: What You Need to Know?
BGMI has been launched for iOS today and is now available on the Apple Store for download. However, if we search for Battlegrounds Mobile India, it is not shown in the list. You will need to search for the “India Ka Battlegrounds” and you will get BGMI on your list at the top. Basically, this is the motto of the BGMI Team that has been in the news for the past one year. Well, enough of that, let’s head into the guide to know more about the same.
There are multiple ways to log in to your BGMI game and start gaming on your device. However, it is recommended to use Apple ID for security reasons. So we will guide you using Apple ID on BGMI to login in easy steps. You will just need to follow the guide and you will be good to go.
Follow the guide below to enjoy your game by logging in using Apple ID:
Download the official game from the Apple Store.
If you won’t find it, then use the keyword “India Ka Battlegrounds” search phrase.
Once downloaded, you need to open the game and let it run.
After some downloads and several loading, the game will show the login screen as shown below:
Here select the Apple ID option.
A prompt will ask you to confirm your identity, use a fingerprint or password.
Once confirmed, you will be logged in via your Apple ID and you can create your player, username then starts playing.
Now you can proceed further to recovering your old PUBG account.
Moreover, other than Apple ID you can log in using Facebook, Twitter, and Game Center.
How to Recover Old PUBG Account on iOS
The recovery process of the BGMI account is the same as Android as we discussed in our old article. But you need not worry, we have mentioned the same process below so that you will not need to head to another article. So let’s get started:
Once you enter the game after logging in and creating your character, follow the instructions as guided by the app.
Make sure to tap ‘Yes’ when asked if you live in India otherwise the game will stop and you will be required to restart the game.
After the completion, the game will ask you if you want to transfer your PUBG data to BGMI via prompt.
In case, if you missed the prompt or you didn’t get it. Then you just need to head to settings.
In the top-right section, you will see the “Account Transfer” option. Just click on it.
Click yes and you will be redirected to the web login page.