How to

How To Set Daily Time Limit On Instagram



Instagram is one of the most widely used social networking sites and the world’s most addicting applications. It isn’t a stretch to say that once you open the app, getting off the platform is tough. Do you end up spending a lot of time on Instagram? Perhaps you do not know how much time you spend browsing through your Instagram feed! If you’re worried about how much time you spend on Instagram, they have included a function to set daily time limit. Also, you can get a reminder to take a break after a certain period of time. Here’s how to make the most of it. In this post, we will give you a step-by-step explanation of how to limit Instagram time on iPhone and Android. Moreover, learn to set remainder to take a break and put an end to your constant use of Instagram.

Steps To Set Daily Time Limit On Instagram

You may set a concurrent and daily Instagram time limit on your Android or iOS smartphone to remind you to stop and exit the app. This functionality isn’t accessible from other devices, such as the online version of Instagram.

To keep track of your Instagram usage timing, use the following method:

1: Launch Instagram and go to your profile by touching your profile image in the lower right corner of the screen.

2: To access the menu, choose the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner.

3: Tap on Your Activity and select Time Spent from the next menu page.

4: On the next page, choose the option named set daily time limit.

5: Choose how long you want to be away from the app.

6: When you’re finished, tap Done.

How to Get the Remainder to Take Breaks? 

1: Go to your profile dashboard from the display’s bottom right corner.

2: Select the three-lines menu bar.

3: After that, go to Your Activity and then to Time Spent.

4: Tap the Set reminders to take breaks button on the next screen.

5: Select the Instagram time limit you wish to spend on the app.

6: Finally, click on the Done option.

If you don’t want Instagram to disturb your focus, you can turn off alerts. Go to Settings and select Notification. Then on the next page, tap on Pause all and pick a time from the list.

Is Using Time Limit on Instagram Enough?

It’s a good thing that Instagram keeps track of how much time you spend on the app and has tools that remind you to take a break. It’s all too tempting, though, to ignore these messages and keep scrolling. As a result, you may want to use Screen Time on iOS or Digital Wellbeing on Android—both of these applications can lock you out of apps, allowing you to genuinely resist temptation.

So, that’s all for today. For more tips and tricks, follow TechBurner!

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