YouTube is a platform where you find videos on almost all topics. These days everyone is watching YouTube videos. Some are uploading great contents video by which users come to their channel and support them. YouTubers are always trying to give something new. Every YouTuber want likes and comment on their video because it motivates them. But, There is some news that YouTube hiding comments section from the videos. It is still not known why YouTube hides the comment section from the videos. But, they are checking a new YouTube comment section on YouTube Videos. So, Read the full article to know more about Why is YouTube removing the comment sections from videos? We will also explain how you will unhide the comment section on YouTube:
YouTube hiding Comments Section:

The comment section of YouTube will be changing in the upcoming days. The comment sections we are using is not user-friendly. You have to scroll down to the last video then you will be able to see comments. But, Now YouTube is bringing changes to it. So, the comment section is moved to the top. You will see it below the watching video. Therefore, the option of “watch later” will be moved to Download Section. The main feature is it is user-friendly. You can tap with your thumb easily to see and type comment.
Now, You have not to scroll down as YouTube hides the Comment sections from the bottom. YouTube is adding this feature because they are going to make a change in the interface of the app. The update is rolling out in phases. So, only a number of users can test this feature. Therefore, for this YouTube removing the comment sections from bottom to top.
Users can also give suggestions to YouTube that they can make it more comfortable for users. So, this will be great for the users as they will get a customised and better YouTube comment section.
That’s All For Today. Stay Tuned To TechBurner For More Update.