A few days back Facebook was updated with Facebook Pay. There were also reports that users are using Instagram moreover than Facebook and Twitter for sharing their thoughts and activity. So, we also know that the User Interface of Instagram is much better than Facebook. It allows users to do a lot with their post. Therefore, now there is some news that Facebook is testing a feature which is much alike the Instagram Feed. The Facebook update will now bring Facebook Popular Photos. This feature will let you see your friends post and another popular post. Therefore, read the full article to know more about Facebook App update and Popular Photos release date:
Facebook Popular Photos:
The new Facebook update includes a feature much similar to Instagram. After seeing the popularity of Instagram, Facebook is going to add this feature. This is the Popular Photos features which will let you browse more pics as like you have watched recently.

Credits: TechCrunch
The news was first reported by the TechCrunch, that Facebook is working on a similar feature like Instagram. The feature will work when you click on a photo and when the pictures start showing in full screen, then you get back. The menu will not be fully exited and then it will start showing you the pictures of your friends, trending and interesting photos when you slide down. The feature will be much like the Videos when we start watching on Facebook then it shows that type of video more and more when you slide down. In Popular Photos, you will see the photos with more like as well as no likes. So, anyone can get featured on Popular Photos.
Facebook is also adding limited character by which when users are watching their photos then they don’t feel awkward. As sometimes users put too much information on their pictures which makes bad for the users. By this, Facebook updates News Feed by which users will get an attractive pic from the starting.
Facebook Popular Photos release date:
Recently, Facebook launched Facebook Pay which is awesome and they said that it will be available in the coming weeks. So, the Popular Photos feature is currently testing by the beta tester. Therefore, we are expecting that the feature will be released for all before the end of December.
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