Coronavirus, a deadly disease affected many countries, Destroyed many people’s lives. Almost 140 countries affected by the fatal disease named- “Coronavirus”. It is spreading as fast as the water flowing in the river. The World Health Organization announced Coronavirus as an emergency. Coronavirus in India is also spreading rapidly. NIT Scholars develop Coronavirus App. Vineet Kumar, a PhD scholar of the institute, developed his App for coronavirus diagnosis.

Vineet Kumar
App For Coronavirus
Vineet said that 85 per cent of cases, during the early stage of the infection, the sufferer found with high body temperature. While in 15 per cent cases, no such symptoms found. Coronavirus symptoms cannot be diagnosed too early. It takes time to see symptoms on the patient. Vineet made a coronavirus app in which the patients having early signs can be diagnosed through thermal detection with this coronavirus app.
Vineet says that the App develops with a thermal camera through an infrared (IR) sensor, which scans the body temperature of the body at different points. On the basis of scanning. It will be apparent that the person is infected with Coronavirus or not. Thus the App is made for the primary testing.
Vineet said one could see the temperature profiling for Coronavirus from the internet. Temperature can detect by a thermal camera, which is available on the internet. The next step is to place the App in public places and screen as many people without any interference.
Vineet said,” to carry forward this mission, and we will try to contact the Government of India on the use of this app”. But the Coronavirus app download link is not available ye currently as the developer is checking. We will provide you with the Coronavirus app download link as it will launch.
This is the only first step to protect us from Coronavirus. If we undergo the full process, we can beat the Coronavirus. Remember, PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. Let’s look at the precautions.
Precautions For Coronavirus
(Note: WHO suggested these precautions)
That’s All in this article on NIT scholars develop coronavirus app. Stay Tuned To TechBurner For More Stuff.