Android and iOS are operating systems having their own advantages and disadvantages. Google apps are available on both Android as well as iOS and there are some features that are limited to iOS and not found on Android. Here in this article, we will mention 7 cool features of Google apps that are available on iOS but not on Android.
- Chrome Reading List
- Maps and Search Incognito Gesture
- Gboard dot shortcut
- Extensive Gboard theming
- GDrive Privacy Screen
- Google app Incognito Mode Privacy
- Google app multiple tabs
- Easy Chrome multi-window
- Chrome recent tabs in the Switcher
- Gmail snooze Settings
- Hide illustrations in Google Calander
- Restrict Google search results by the time
- Unofficial widgets
Some of the features are available on Android but in the canary version, so it will take a few weeks to reach the regular users. However, some are being said that they will not be added on Android.