Telegram is an all-time favourite among those who are looking for free encrypted messages across multiple platforms. As we all know, the messaging app last year took its first steps toward monetization in the form of ad sales and the introduction of paid features for group chats. Now, it appears that the service plans to offer a paid option to regular users. But only on iOS for now. The latest iOS beta gave us our first glimpse of what Telegram Premium Subscription has to offer. Read this entire article to find out what features will be in your upcoming Telegram Premium Subscription and how much it will cost.
Telegram Premium Subscription

Popular messaging app Telegram is working on a Premium subscription that adds new exclusive reactions and stickers, but it’s only available on iOS for now. The trial version includes a set of emoji stickers and interactions that are locked behind the Telegram Premium firewall.
The latest beta version of Telegram for iOS has shown the first evidence of “Telegram Premium Subscription”. Which appears to focus mainly on advanced feedback and stickers not available in the app’s free format.
Depending on which stickers or emojis have become your favourite. You might be upset by another discovery: a word that appeared last week from an avatar maker in the macOS client that will allow users to combine simple or typical gradients with their favourite emoji, sticker, or even just a monogram. Also disappointing is the lack of an indication of where to turn and when.
As expected, Telegram users have reacted mostly negatively to the subscription.
Interestingly enough, the featured stickers that appear in conversations are also blocked, being replaced by the same call-to-action. This is something we expect to change in the final version, otherwise, logging will be of little use.
Pricing And Launch Date

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Since Telegram Premium is just a rumour at the moment, there is no additional information about the cost of the premium subscription. And when it will be released, and what other features or exclusives can be added.
While there is currently no indication of how much Telegram Premium will cost. There are some hints about how the subscription might work. As shown in the image above, the reactions are similar to the big emojis that Telegram has introduced in recent months. But with options that Telegram didn’t provide for free users. When you click on a sticker sent by someone using a subscription, a non-subscriber can’t see the reaction/sticker. But only sees an offer to buy the subscription form instead.
We were also able to access our Telegram Premium responses.
However, there are a lot more things that we do not know currently about Telegram Premium. Also, the monthly cost is unclear, and it is not known what other features will be available other than new stickers and feedback.
Going forward with Telegram Premium, it wouldn’t be easy to guess what future features will be free for all and which will only be for paying subscribers, but for now, we’re just looking for clarity.
That’s All For Today. Stay Tuned To TechBurner For More Stuff.