Two Tech Giants, Apple and Google have joined their hands to fight against COVID-19. Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai have announced a joint effort to reduce the spread of Coronavirus using the Bluetooth technology. They will be launching APIs (application programming interfaces) and Operating system-level technology for the Contact Tracing. This technology will help governments and health agencies to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, keeping the privacy and security of users in mind. What is Contact Tracing Technology? Let’s find out in this article.
What is Contact Tracing Technology?

Technology helps a lot to fight against this global pandemic. When it comes to technology, iPhones and Android phones cover the entire world. Both the companies are developing a tracing technology which will use Bluetooth connectivity. Apple and Google will release comprehensive APIs in First in May so public health authorities can use the tracking technology. It will enable interoperability between Android and iOS devices with the help of apps from public health authorities. Specific apps will launch for both platforms on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
In the coming months, Apple and Google will work on the operating system level to enable broader Bluetooth connectivity based Tracing platform.
How will Contact Tracing work?

Bluetooth of the device will be used to track the location of a device instead of the GPS. The Tools from Apple and Google will use Bluetooth, and it will notify people when they have come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus. Users can input the result if they test positive in the testing. If you cross path with someone who ends up proving positive, then you will get alert on your mobile. Contact Tracing Technology will work regardless of the device is iOS or Android.
The location data will be stored for 14 days, and according to Google, it will only be used for contact tracing by public health authorities for COVID-19 pandemic management. Users will have to opt-in for Contact tracing. Once you agree with your location tracking, health officials can track who has been in close contact with the infected people.
Well, that’s it in this article on What is Contact Tracing Technology. Stay tuned with TechBurner to get the latest update.