WhatsApp is serious about its security and about WhatsApp Fake Message. Every day developers are working hard to minimise fake news that is spreading every second. There is some news that researchers have claimed. So, by the reports, Hackers can hack WhatsApp and alter the message which is sent by users. WhatsApp message hack can be dangerous for the user. So, the Security Experts have warned WhatsApp that its WhatsApp Message can be altered. After it, they also claimed that hackers can get into the user’s conversation without letting them know. Therefore, Read the full article to know about WhatsApp Message Hack:
WhatsApp Message Hack:

As the report shared by the Security Expert that WhatsApp can be hacked and its WhatsApp Message can be changed. So, there are three methods by which Hackers can hack WhatsApp. There is some breach in WhatsApp by which user can change message when they are in groups. Here are the methods by which it can be done:
Method 1:

Hackers can hack WhatsApp when users are logging into the WhatsApp Web. We all know that there are many groups created for chatting with our relatives, friends and others. Sometimes, there is a huge number of participants in the WhatsApp groups. So, users that are in the group also uses some quoted text which helps hacker in getting in WhatsApp Group and sending the message without letting the user know.
Method 2:

If any person sends a message with quoted text. Therefore, Hackers can change message and make it WhatsApp Fake message in the group. But, they are only able to change the quoted text the remaining message will remain the same. It can be done to any user who is in the group.
Method 3:

By doing this two methods hackers have the ability to send messages to the user in private conversation. They are also able to send message to other group participants which can be dangerous for any user in aspects of security. But, this method has been fixed by the WhatsApp but the remaining to are not.
On this, a Facebook spokesperson told, “We carefully reviewed this issue a year ago and it is false to suggest that there is a vulnerability with the security we provide on WhatsApp“. So, this vulnerability is in the web version of WhatsApp and the biggest threat is for those who have groups with a large number of participant. It can be done only when you are trying to log into your computer by using WhatsApp Web.
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